Leveraging Big Data Customer Analytics for Enhanced Customer Insights and Engagement: A Case Study Approach


  • Kirthivasan Pandurangan Solution Architect, Tata Consulting Services, USA Author
  • Jeshwanth Reddy Machireddy Senior Software Developer, KForce, USA Author


Big data analytics, Customer insights, Customer engagement


This article explores the field of big data customer analytics using a case study technique to analyze its use for obtaining significant understanding of consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. Using Industry 4.0 as a framework, it investigates many sectors to clarify ways to increase consumer involvement, loyalty, and happiness. By means of an analysis of practical situations, the study emphasizes the transforming power of using big data analytics in comprehending and improving client interactions.


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How to Cite

Kirthivasan Pandurangan and Jeshwanth Reddy Machireddy, “Leveraging Big Data Customer Analytics for Enhanced Customer Insights and Engagement: A Case Study Approach”, Journal of Machine Learning for Healthcare Decision Support, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1–14, Jul. 2023, Accessed: Mar. 14, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://jmlhds.org/index.php/publication/article/view/1